DUP Histories

TerritoryDUP International has thousands of pioneer histories, but their collection is incomplete. They need our help, and it is our responsibility to preserve these histories for future generations.

To submit the history of an ancestor, a Daughter must fill out a Title Page [available from the Camp Historian or here] and return it, along with the history itself, to the Camp Historian [who will submit it to DUP International]. The history does not need to be presented during an official DUP meeting to be submitted.

Remember, histories can only be for someone who (1) traveled to or through geographic area covered by Utah Territory [see map at right], (2) died en route to the Utah Territory, or (3) was born in the Utah Territory, all between July 1847 and 10 May 1869. If you have any questions, please email us coal.creek.dup@gmail.com.

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